The Hydes
Thank you for visiting Reflections of Freedom Ministries. ROFM was formed in Summer 2016 in Oklahoma City, OK. We started out teaching the CHRISTIAN INTERVENTION PROGRAM at Southern Oaks UPC. Then we started a quarterly magazine called Reflections of Freedom Magazine of Hope. Together we want to reflect the freedom we have experienced to YOU. Freely given, freely shared. YOU CAN OVERCOME ALL through the delivering power of the Holy Ghost. We will pray with you through our Reflections of Freedom Magazine Monthly Prayer Calendars, share my dads heartwarming story, Rasied From The Ruins, by Fred Hyde with you. Teach a dynamic dependency breaking 20 week class through our church and continue to follow up with letters throughout the year until you too experience the same FREEDOM we have. Together or rather UNITY is the strength of anything. TOGETHER, you and I can make a difference in lives we've never known. That's the Reflections of Freedom we hope to share eternally around the throne of God.
Father and son
fred and Michael hyde
On Christmas day 2009 my Dad, Reverend Fred K. Hyde went on to his final reward. The ministry he founded, the Spirit of Freedom Ministries, continued for another decade giving a history of over 40 years reaching into the dark and dreaded world of alcoholism and drugs. Near as can be told over 4,000 men, women, boys and girls have been brought out of that world, are productive members of society and are sitting on church pews across North America and around the world today as a direct result of his story, "Raised From The Ruins, by Fred Hyde". One of those thousands was me. So when we became aware of the closing of SOFM I could not in good conscience just let it go away. We drove to New Orleans and got the remaining materials to help continue the vision and scope of the original intention. Today we rejoice in the countless calls received and follow-up we do and want to continue until our reward as Dad did.